Spotify: Audiotopia


Listen crafted an immersive, spatial audio experience for Audiotopia, Spotify's worldwide end of year virtual event. Working with Spotify's visual and animation partners, we created soundtracks for a series of 3D digital environments, that combined original music, sound design, and spatial audio mixing techniques to transport event attendees into a festival-like digital environment and transition between different virtual stages featuring music performances and keynote speakers.


Immersive Sound Design, Spatial Audio, Music


Digital Experience, Virtual Event


With the challenge of creating a real-time virtual event for Spotify employees located across the globe, we needed to elevate the digital experience with immersive sound that might help attendees feel more connected and present in one place together.

Our aim was to create a soundscape that drives the dynamic visual experience, taking the attendees on a journey that builds excitement and anticipation as they navigate through each thematic event stage — Earth, Crystal, Nomad, and City.


To define the unique spatial environment of each stage, we designed four custom soundscapes that amplify their different natural and physical qualities. We began our process by recording real world location sounds that could be applied to each immersive soundscape.

Earth Stage
Crystal Stage
City Stage
Nomad Stage


Minimal house music that builds in energy as visitors navigate through the experience.


Earth Stage: Warm, lush - rivers, rain and birdsong

Crystal Stage: Bright, crystalline - cold, high frequency elements

Nomad Stage: Dry, arid - sand, wind

City Stage: Busy, noisy - Sirens, phones, crowds


Through an iterative process working with the Spotify team, we refined the 3D soundscapes to tightly sync to virtual camera edits for each stage, and composed a minimal house track that served as a overarching theme to the event, which boosted the energy and mood as attendees navigated between stages and helped to convey a sense of collective presence within the digital experience.

Final Audio Track


Audiotopia brought together Spotify employees from around the globe to share in what they love — music and connection. The spatial audio experience served as a key focal point for the event, sending attendees on an immersive audio-driven journey and bringing them closer together through a shared experience.